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A Woman's Spiritual Retreat: Teaching, Meditations, and Rituals to Celebrate

Women are different. Not just in our bodies, but in the ways that we think, feel, and connect with spirit, teaches Joan Borysenko. In celebration of those differences, you are invited to A Woman's Spiritual Retreat, a full-length audio course that shows you how to create a daily personal practice rich in meditations, prayers, and sacred rituals to enter the gates of your own spiritual path. Spirituality is a return to essence and to our true nature. What makes women's spirituality different from men's are the portals through which we return to that state.

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ConditionBrand New
Item Height1.4 cm
Item Length27.6 cm
Item Weight0.45 kg
Item Width26.2 cm
Publication Year2004
FormatAudio CD
Book TitleA Woman's Spiritual Retreat: Teaching, Meditations, and Rituals to Celebrate Your Authentic Feminine Wisdom
AuthorJoan Borysenko, Joan Z. Borysenko
PublisherSounds True Inc
Run Time450, 450 Mins
TopicReligious History, Religion: Comparative, General & Référence

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