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A Peculiar Indifference: The Neglected Toll of Violence on Black America by Elli

A Peculiar Indifference by Elliott Currie. Title A Peculiar Indifference. These disparities translate into starkly divergent experiences of life and death for whites and blacks in the United States. He is a professor of criminology, law, and society at the University of California, Irvine.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitlePeculiar Indifference : the Neglected Toll of Violence on Black America
PublisherHolt & Company, Henry
Item Length8.6 in
Publication Year2020
Item Height1 in
AuthorElliott Currie
GenrePolitical Science, Social Science, History
TopicDiscrimination & Race Relations, Public Policy / Social Policy, Violence in Society, African American, Ethnic Studies / African American Studies
Item Weight12.7 Oz
Item Width5.7 in
Number of Pages288 Pages

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