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A Little Bit of Angel Numbers: An Introduction to Messages from the Universe

Have you ever randomly looked at the clock and noted that it was 11:11? Then congratulations: you’ve received a message from the universe. Angel numbers, repeating numerical sequences with mystical significance tied to numerology, are a spiritual concept that is experiencing a surge of popularity. Tied into synchronicity and manifestation, angel numbers can provide a path through chaotic times, and Little Bit of Numerology author Novalee Wilder is back with another beginner-friendly guide to deciphering these cryptic spiritual codes.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 128 pages
AuthorWilder, Novalee
Book TitleA Little Bit of Angel Numbers: An Introduction to
Item Height1.5 cm
Item Length18 cm
Item Weight0.25 kg
Item Width13 cm
PublisherSterling Ethos

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