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60s/70s Vtg Paperback Book Lot (5 Books) Road Runner Mr. Pudgins & Others

This vintage paperback book lot includes five titles from the 60s/70s. The books feature a variety of authors and cover topics ranging from children and young adults. Written in English, these books are perfect for any book lover's collection. The format is paperback, making them easy to carry and read on the go. The titles include Road Runner, Mr. Pudgins, and others. This lot is a great addition to any book collection and is sure to bring back nostalgic memories.

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Item196729733979Ebay Right Now
Seller nickpomm_80 ( 70 ⭐ ) 100.0%
Location: Nevada, US, Iowa
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Book TitleMixed Titles
AuthorMixed Authors
GenreChildren & Young Adults

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