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[1900] Sohrab and Rustum and Other Poems by Matthew Arnold / Hardcover

Sohrab and Rustum. Author: Arnold, Matthew; Seabury, Joseph (editor). We photograph every item. Contains "Dover Beach" and 22 other poems. Binding: Hardcover. Specializing in science fiction, fantasy, and horror since 1998.

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Condition136 pages; corners bumped, rubbing to extremities, some stains on front board; somewhat flexible boards, pio on ffep; Often referred to as the "Third Great Victorian Poet," along with Tennyson and Browning. Contains "Dover Beach" and 22 other poems.
PublisherSilver, Burdett and Company
Book TitleSohrab and Rustum
Number of Pages136
Intended AudienceAdults
Publication Year1900
AuthorArnold, Matthew; Seabury, Joseph (editor)

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