What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s. This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Marion County and its people.
This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1880.
History and Progress
of The
County of Marion,
West Virginia
From its
Earliest Settlement by the Whites, Down to the Present, Together with Biographical Sketches of its Most Prominent Citizens
By George A. Dunnington
Fairmont, W. VA.
George A. Dunnington, Publisher
159 pages on 1 CD
An essential resource for Genealogists
Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.
This book on CD is SEARCHABLE *
CHAPTER I. - Introductory
CHAPTER II. - First Settlements
CHAPTER III. - About the Land Titles held by the Settlers,
CHAPTER IV. - The Characteristics and Hardships of the Early Settlers
CHAPTER V. - Commencement of the Indian Troubles—Forts established, etc.
CHAPTER VI. - Murder of Josiah Prickett—Continuation of Indian Atrocities — Murder of Miss Coon—Attack on Fort Harbert,
CHAPTER VII. - Captain Booth killed—Capture of Captain Cochran—David Morgan's encounter with two Indians,
CHAPTER VIII. - Horatio Morgan—Massacre of the Thomas Family
CHAPTER IX. - Continued Hostilities of the Savages—Attack on the Cunninghams and Capture of Mrs. Cunningham
CHAPTER X. - A Boy's Adventure—The Indian's on Buffalo Creek—Levi Morgan's Adventure
CHAPTER XI. - Murder of the McIntires—End of Indian depredations,
CHAPTER XII. - Progress of Civilization from 1785 to 1819.
CHAPTER XIII. - The Towns of the County,
CHAPTER XIV. - Organization of the County -The First Court—The Jail—The Court House, etc.
CHAPTER XV. - The Irish Riot—The Great Freshet—Completion of the railroad—Suspension Bridge built, etc.
CHAPTER XVI. - The Churches and Schools of the County
CHAPTER XVII. - The First Steamboat—The Ranks of Marion County—Journalism in the County,
CHAPTER XVIII. - The War of the Rebellion—Division of the State
CHAPTER XIX. - The Mining Interests—The Fire at Fairmont—Marion Militia, etc.
CHAPTER XX. - The Resources of the County—Its Political Complexion—Conclusion
Hon. William S. Morgan, Hon. Zedekiah Kidwell, Hon. Francis H. Pierpoint, Col. Thomas S. Haymond, Hon. F. Martin, Hon. A. Brooks Fleming, John W. McCoy, Esq , Hon. J. C. Beeson, Hon. U. N. Arnott, Judge A. F, Haymond, James Morrow. Jr., Esq., Robert H. Lott, Esq., Richard P. Lott, Esq., Fontain Smith, Esq., Albert S. Hayden, Esq., C. M. Davison, Esq. Other Promineut Men,