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@media only screen and (max-width: 450px) } .x-hide Home About Us Feedback View All Listings Contact Us < title="Aydin Coins " alt="Aydin Coins " src="https://www.aydincoins.com/images/OCDesignImages//logo.png"> < title="Aydin Coins " alt="Aydin Coins " src="https://www.aydincoins.com/images/OCDesignImages//logo.png"> < alt="Aydin Coins " src="https://www.aydincoins.com/images/OCDesignImages//promo2.png"> Menu Buy Gold American Gold Eagles American Gold Buffalo Coins US Mint High Relief Gold Coins ( 2009 and 2015 ) US Gold Commemoratives Canadian Gold Maple Leafs Austrian Gold Philharmonics Royal Mint Gold Istanbul Gold Refinery(IGR) Gold Bars Gold Bars & Gold Rounds PAMP Suisse Gold South African Gold Krugerrands Australian Gold Coins Chinese Gold Coins Mexican Gold Coins Somalian Gold Elephant Series European Gold Coins First Spouse Commemoratives Pre-1933 US Gold Coins Gold Coins On Sale Buy Silver American Silver Eagles America the Beautiful Coins Silver Bullion Program Canadian Silver Maple Leafs Canadian Silver Predator Series Canadian Silver Birds of Prey Series Canadian Silver Wildlife Series Canadian Silver Commemorative Bullion Coins Canadian Silver Collectible Coins Privateer Series Silver Bars Silver Rounds Silver Bullets PAMP Suisse Silver Austrian Silver Philharmonics South Africa - SILVER KRUGERRANDS Chinese Silver Pandas Mexican Silver Coins Perth Mint Silver Coins British Royal Mint Silver Coins African Wildlife Series Silver Coins New Zealand Mint Products Armenian Silver Noah's Ark South Korean Silver Coins Other World Silver Coins Grouped Coin Specials 90% US Silver Coins Industrial Silver - Grain/Shot Buy Platinum Platinum American Coins Platinum Canadian Coins World Platinum Coins Platinum Bars Buy Palladium Palladium American Eagle Coins Palladium Bars Buy Copper Buy Coins Coin Sets US Mint Silver Medals Pre-1933 US Gold Coins Certified US Gold Baseball Hall Of Fame Coins 50th Anniv Kennedy Coins Dollars Half Dollars Quarters Dimes Nickels Cents Proof Sets Uncirculated Mint Sets Commemoratives Coin Supplies Currency Foreign Coins & Notes Gift Ideas Jewelry Valentine's Day Gift Ideas 1 gram Gold CombiBar™ Valcambi Suisse .9999 Fine Gold Bar < src="https://i.ebay.com/00/s/MTAwMFgxMDAw/z/tBIAAOSwDgVm9a1F/$_57.jpg"> < src="https://i.ebay.com/00/s/MTAwMFgxMDAw/z/gJIAAOSwHGNm9a1H/$_57.jpg"> < src="https://i.ebay.com/00/s/MTAwMFgxMDAw/z/6zoAAOSw-Hdm9a1G/$_57.jpg"> < src="https://i.ebay.com/00/s/MTAwMFgxMDAw/z/tBIAAOSwDgVm9a1F/$_57.jpg"> < src="https://i.ebay.com/00/s/MTAwMFgxMDAw/z/gJIAAOSwHGNm9a1H/$_57.jpg"> < src="https://i.ebay.com/00/s/MTAwMFgxMDAw/z/6zoAAOSw-Hdm9a1G/$_57.jpg">
These Gold bars hold an elegant and modern design with a mirror like finish. Coming from the historic Valcambi refiner, these exceptional quality Gold bars are an effective way to enhance your portfolio.
Bar Highlights:
Contains 1 gram of .9999 fine Gold. Individual bars are taken from 100 X 1 pack from a sealed protective assay pack.
Obverse: Features a single stamped Valcambi logo along with weight and purity.
Reverse: Reads Valcambi Suisse stamped in simple perfection.
Denomination 1 gram Metal Type Gold Actual Metal Content 1 grams ( .03215 oz ) of Fineness 999.9 Manufacturer Valcambi
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The photos are meant to be an indication of the product you will receive.
About Us Payments Feedback Shipping Returns About Us
AYDIN COINS is a Division of Aydin Jewelry Mfg. LLC. which is a privately held company. We are a provider of precious metals to the consumer industry and a manufacturer of jewelry products. We sell Silver, Gold Coins, Gold, Silver Bars and other metals. We also manufacture 14K, 18K, Platinum and Diamond Jewelry for the jewelry industry. Our Mission is to provide the best products to our customers and become the leading provider of metal and finished products to the consumer industry and to jewelry industry.
Whether you're seeking an investment of precious metals, a gift for yourself or another or something to save, we guarantee you'll be fully satisfied with your purchase from us!Please Note: All Bullion Sales Are FINAL, We Do Not Cancel Or Accept Returns Under Any Conditions. Our Bullion Products Are Offered To You Are Commodities, Purchasing Any Bullion Product Is Equivelent To Purchasing Stocks, Which Are NOT Under Any Conditions Refundable Or Cancelable. If You Need To Reverse A Transaction, You Are Welcome To SELL The Product Back To Us At Market Conditions.
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We guarantee your satisfaction at Aydin Coins & Jewelry. All sales are final but we will work with you to address any issues with your product. We want our customers to be pleased with their purchases. If for any reason you have a problem, please feel free to call our offices and discuss it with us. We will always do our best to accommodate you. If an exchange is requested, we reserve the right to find an acceptable replacement. Please Note: All Bullion Sales Are FINAL, We do not cancel or accept Returns Under Any Conditions. Our Bullion Products Are Offered To you Are Commodities, Purchasing Any Bullion Product Is Equivelent To Purchasing Stocks, Which Are NOT Under Any Conditions Refundable Or Cancelable. If You Need To Reverse A Transaction, You are Welcome To SELL the Product Back To Us At Market Conditions.
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