* LIBERTARIANS OBJECTIVISTS ANARCHISTS GOVERNMENTS * 300+ RARE ANCIENT BOOKS DVD * This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. Titles Include:Resist not evil by Clarence Darrow 1903 The World's Legal Philosophies by Fritz Berolzheimer 1912The Tyranny of Socialism by Yves Guyot 1894Liberty and the Great Libertarians by Charles Sprading 1913Essays on political economy - Bastiat"Socialism, like the old policy from which it emanates, confounds Government and society. And every time we object to a thing being done by Government, it concludes that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of education by the State — then we are against education altogether. We object to a State religion — then we would have no religion at all. We object to an equality which is brought about by the State — then we are against equality etc., etc. They might as well accuse us of wishing men not to eat, because we object to the cultivation of corn by the State."Principles of Social Economy by Yves Guyot 1892Economic prejudices by Yves Guyot 1910Where and why Public Ownership has Failed by Yves Guyot 1914The Inherent Evils of all State Governments Demonstrated by Edmund Burker 1858Pictures of the Socialistic Future by Eugene Richter 1912A Study in Socialism by Benedict Elder 1915The Voluntaryist Creed by Herbert Spencer and Auberon Herbert 1908The Principles of Voluntaryism and Free Life by Auberon Herbert 1897A Plea for Liberty, an Argument against Socialism and Socialistic legislation by Thomas Mackay 1891Why I am Opposed to Socialism by Edward Silvin 1913Popular Fallacies Regarding Trade by Frederic Bastiat 1882The Federal Reserve Monster by Jim Jam Jems 1922A Disquisition on Government by John C Calhoun 1851Both Sides of the Tariff Question by the world's leading men 1890Protectionism, the -ism which teaches that waste makes wealth by William Graham Sumner 1885The Society of Tomorrow: a forecast of its political and economic organisation by Gustav Molinari 1904 (Molinari is considered by some to be the first anarcho-capitalist)The Production of Security Gustav Molinari 1849No Treason, Volume 1 by Lysander Spooner 1867 (individualist anarchist)No Treason, Volume 2 by Lysander Spooner 1867 (Spooner argued that the Constitution was a contract of government which could not logically apply to anyone other than the individuals who signed it, and was thus void)No Treason, Volume 3 by Lysander Spooner 1867Vices Are Not Crimes by Lysander Spooner 1875History of Economic Thought by Lewis Haney 1922The Evolution of Modern Capitalism by JA Hobson 1907"All the productive economies tend as before to pass into the hands of the consumer in reduced prices of commodities."The Decline of Self-Onwership by Frank C Woodward, Litt. D 1904THE DEFECTS OF THE SHERMAN ANTITRUST LAW by Charles Gates Dawes 1907State Socialism and Anarchism: HOW FAR THEY AGREE, AND WHEREIN THEY DIFFER 1888, by Benjamin R. TuckerThe Law of Private Right By George Hugh Smith 1890Man or the state? A group of essays by Famous Writers 1919Shakespeare and the Founders of Liberty in America by Charles Gayley 1917History of the Origin, Formation, and Adoption of the Constitution of the United States Volume 1 by G. Curtis 1861History of the Origin, Formation, and Adoption of the Constitution of the United States Volume 2 by G. Curtis 1861The Men who Found America by FH Hutchison 1909Industrial Combination by David Hutchison MacGregor 1906The New Democracy by Walter Weyl 1920, with a chapter on THE INDIVIDUALISTIC SPIRIT OF AMERICAThe American Credo by HL Mencken 1922The State; its History and Development Viewed Sociologically by Franz Oppenheimer 1922The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia 1900 "With all the defects of our constitutions, whether general or particular, the comparison of our governments with those of Europe, is like a comparison of heaven and hell."Positive Theory of Capital by Eugen von Bohm-BawerkPrinciples and Problems of Government by Bertha Haines 1921The Greatest Failure in all History, a Critical Examination of the Actual Workings of Bolshevism in Russia by John Spargo 1920My Dear Wells: being a Series of Letters addressed by Henry Arthur Jones to Mr. H.G. Wells, upon Bolshevism, Collectivism, Internationalism and the Distribution of Wealth by Henry Arthur Jones 1921LIBERTY AND TAXATION by Benjamin TuckerPlus You Get:The Man Versus the State by Herbert Spencer 1902Spencer stressed individuality and self-interest. In his view, government should get out of the way, or at most serve as a "night-watchman", and allow human beings freedom to compete. In this competition, the weak would die and the strong survive, to the eventual improvement of the human race.The divine drama of history and civilisation by James E Smith 1854Although an early Owenite socialist, he eventually rejected its collective idea of property, and found in individualism a "universalism" that allowed for the development of the "original genius." Men versus the Man; a Correspondence between Robert Rives La Monte, Socialist, and H.L. Mencken, Individualist 1910The Slavery of Our Times by Leo TolstoyTHE slavery of our times results from three sets of laws-those about land, taxes, and property. And, therefore, all the attempts of those who wish to improve the position of the workers are inevitably, though unconsciously, directed against those three legislations. Economic sophisms by Frederick Bastiat 1873Essays on Political Economy by Frederick BastiatHarmonies of political economy by Frederick Bastiat 1860What is free trade by Frederick Bastiat 1867 (searchable pdf)Bastiat was the author of many works on economics and political economy, generally characterized by their clear organization, forceful argumentation, and acerbic wit. Among his better known works is Economic Sophisms, which contains many strongly-worded attacks on statist policies. Contained within Economic Sophisms is the famous satirical parable known as the "Candlemakers' petition" which presents itself as a demand from the candlemakers' guild to the French government, asking the government to block out the Sun to prevent its unfair competition with their products. He also facetiously "advocated" the cutting off of everyone's right hand, based on the assumptions that more difficulty means more work and more work means more wealth.A Modest Proposal: For Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Publick, commonly referred to as A Modest Proposal, is a satirical essay by Jonathan Swift in 1729. Swift appears to suggest in his essay that the impoverished Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling children as food for rich gentlemen and ladies. By doing this he mocks the authority of the British officials. This is when Britain had taken over Ireland and put heavy restrictions on their trade, stifling their economy. The essay has been noted by historians as being the first documented satirical essay. On the Principles of Political Economy by David Ricardo 1821Ricardo was an early free market economistThe Sphere and Duties of Government (The Limits of State Action) by William von Humboldt 1854On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau 1849, original title: Resistance to Civil GovermentLife without Principle by Henry David ThoreauThe Gospel of Superman: The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche by Henri Lichtenberger 1912On Liberty by John Stuart Mill 1878Elements of Individualism by William Maccall 1847The State; its History and Development Viewed Sociologically by Franz Oppenheimer 1922Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich NietzscheThe Case for Capitalism by Hartley Withers 1920The Big List of Libertarian QuotesTHE WORLD'S BEST ORATIONS Volume 10"a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned This is the sum of good government."Woman, Church and State by Matilda Joslyn Gage 1893Two Treatises of Government by John Locke 1821John Locke argued that legitimate authority depended on the consent of the governed.The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith 1759 (searchable text)Select Chapters and Passages from the Wealth of Nations of Adam Smith, 1776 by Adam Smith - 1894The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche, 1887Seligman/Nearing Debate - Capitalism has more to Offer the workers of the USA than has Socialism Socialism, the Creed of Despair" Joint Debate 1909The Autobiography of an Individualist by James Octavius Fagan 1912Individualism vs Socialism by William Jennings Bryan in the Century Magazine 1906The Constitution of the USA and the Decaration of Independence in German, French and English in Parallel Columns 1888Les Miserables by Victor HugoThe Man Who Laughs by Victor HugoNinety-three by Victor Hugo 1874[Victor Hugo] is a Romanticist who presents life "as it might be and ought to be." He is the worshipper and the superlative portrayer of man's greatness. - Ayn RandCalumet KThis 1901 book is the story of one man's ingenuity, perseverance and struggle in the construction of a grain elevator and of his exhilarating triumph.Ayn Rand considered this her favorite novel, and wrote that "it has one element that I have never found in any other novel: the portrait of an efficacious man."Rights of Man by Thomas Paine The Right to Ignore the State by Herbert Spencer 1851Political Economy For Beginners by MG Fawcett 1900On the Law of Identity..............Elements of Deductive Logic by Noah Knowles Davis 1893The Metaphysics of Aristotle 1896 "Therefore, in sooth, the investigation why this thing is the thing which it is, is no investigation at all; for it is necessary that the wherefore, and the existence of a thing, should inhere as manifest entities. Now, I say, for instance, the moon undergoes an eclipse: and of the inquiry why a thing is that thing which it is, there is one principle and one cause in the case of all things, as on what account a man is a man, or a musician a musician, except some one say that each thing is indivisible in regard to itself; but this would be to constitute unity: but this is both common in the case of all things, and is a thing that is concise."Principles of logic by George Hayward Joyce 1908"Among mediaeval authors the Spanish Scotist Antonius Andreae argues that the first place should belong to the principle Every Being is a Being. But the authority both of St. Thomas and of Scotus (Quaest. sup. Met. IV., Q. 3) was against him: and he is expressly refuted by Suarez. Leibniz however makes the principle of Identity, which he gives as Everything is what it is, the first of the primitive truths of reason which are affirmative..."The Monadology and Other Philosophical Writings by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1898"A is A (every real thing is identical with itself) at all times, in all circumstances, throughout all changes, in every variety of relations. Strictly speaking, then, A can never become B. A is always A, B is always B; each is for ever exclusive of the other.Institutes of Logic by John Veitch 1885An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke Volume 1An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke Volume 2An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke Volume 3 1801"whatsoever is, is"An examination of Sir William Hamilton's philosophy by John Stuart Mill 1845"Whatever is true in one form of words, is true in every other form of words, which conveys the same meaning"On the Non-Aggression PrincipleEpicureanism By William Wallace 1880Natural justice is a contract of expediency, so as to prevent one man doing harm to another. Those animals which were incapable of forming an agreement to the end that they neither might injure nor be injured are without either justice or injustice. Similarly, those tribes which could not or would not form a covenant to the same end are in a like predicament. There is no such thing as an intrinsic or abstract justice.Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Men 1790"The birthright of man ... is such a degree of liberty, civil and religious, as is compatible with the liberty of every other individual with whom he is united in a social compact, and the continued existence of that compact."On the Duty of Man and Citizen by Samuel von Pufendorf 1682The Principles of Ethics by Herbert Spencer 1898The Principles of Ethics by Herbert Spencer 1898 Volume 2Every man is free to do that which he wills, provided he infringes not the equal freedom of any other man. An Exposure of Socialism by Max Hirsch A Critical Examination of Socialism by WH Mallock 1906Why I am Opposed to Socialism - original papers by leading men and women (1913)Fallacies of Socialism Exposed by Samuel Smith 1885Socialism - Its Fallacies and Dangers by F Millar 1906Socialism - Its Nature, Its Dangers and its Remedies Considered by M Kaufmann 1874Socialism - the Creed of Despair, Debate between George Hugo and James Carey 1909Socialism Exposed and Refuted by Victor Cathrein 1892The Inhumanity of Socialism by Edward F Adams 1913Where Socialism Failed - An Actual Experiment by S Grahame 1913The Case against Socialism by Arthur James Balfour 1908Eugenics and Other Evils by GK Chesterton 1922 (deals also with Socialism)The Social Interpretation of History- a Refutation of the Marxian Economic interpretation of history by Maurice William 1921The Superstition Called Socialism by GW de Tunzelmann 1911Socialism on Trial by Morris Hillquit 1920A Challenge to Socialism, article in the Fortnightly Review 1908Socialism and its perils by William Cooper 1908("It is a matter for astonishment to every person outside the ranks of Socialism why it is that Socialist reform should seem to depend upon a disbelief in the existence of an Almighty Being, the destruction of religious faith, and the repudiation of Christianity.") A Plain Examination of Socialism by G Simonson 1900 ("under socialism, everybody would have to suffer not only from his own mistakes, but from the mistakes of everybody else.")Notes on fallacies by FRANCIS LIEBER (Communism, however, annihilates individualism, and is against our very nature. Protection is veiled communism, as far as it goes.) 1869The Balance Sheet of Sovietism by Boris Brasol 1922 (Marxism, fallacious as it is in theory, when applied to practice produces dismal conditions. Chaos, Misery and Death are the three monsters — the three symbols of Bolshevism.)The Fallacy of Marx's Theory of Surplus-Value By Henry Seymour 1897The Danger of the Republic from Atheism, Communism and Socialism, article in the Reformed quarterly reviewSocialism and the American Spirit by NP Gilman 1893New Fallacies of Midas by Cyril Robinson 1919"Marx's forecast has been demonstrably untrue to fact; even if the rich have become richer the poor have certainly not become poorer."The Return of Christendom 1922 (has a chapter on The failure of Marxism)The Socialist Illusion; being a Critical Review of the Principles of State Socialism - Reginald TaylerReview of Karl Marx's 'Capital' in The Eclectic Magazine 1888Socialism: a Critical Analysis by Oskar Skelton 1911Socialistic Fallacies by Yves Guyot 1910Was Marx Wrong? by Issac Max Rubinow 1914Is the Death of Marxism at Hand? Article in the American review of reviews 1911A History of Socialism by Thomas Kirkup 1892A Short Study of State Socialism by RJ Bryce 1903A Study in Socialism by Benedict Elder 1915 ("On its negative side, Socialism is profoundly atheistic. Throughout the breadth and intricacy of its sea of literature, which would school mankind to a new life in art, science, and government, there is scarce a page but in one way or another implies, if it does not teach, unbelief in God.")False Hopes or, Fallacies Socialistic and semi-socialistic by Goldwin Smith (This is the main source of that' extreme sort of Communism which may be called Satanism, as it seeks, not to reconstruct, but to destroy and to destroy not only existing institutions, but established morality—social, domestic, and personal—putting evil in place of good.)Twentieth Century Socialism; what it is not; what it is; how it may come by Edmon Kelly 1910Socialism - It's Harm and its Apology, article in the American Catholic Quarterly Review 1893Harmonies of political economy by Frederick Bastiat 1860 (The Economists observe man, the laws of his organization, and the social relations which result from those laws. The Socialists conjure up an imaginary society, and then create a human heart to suit that society.)Sophisms of protection by Frederick Bastiat 1874 (If I am mistaken in this, Socialism is a vain dream. I add, it is a dream, in which the people are tearing themselves to pieces. Will it, therefore, be a cause for surprise, if, when they awake, they find themselves mangled and bleeding?)Karl Marx and Modern Socialism by FR Salter 1921Socialism, Atheism and Christianity by Chapman Cohen - 1908 Karl Marx and the Close of his System by Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (first 217 pages only)Selected Readings in Economics (articles by Frederic Bastiat) 1907The Austrian Economists and their View of Value, article in The quarterly journal of economics 1889The Austrian Economists, article in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 1890The Forgotten Man by William Graham Sumner 1918 (government has a lot of grandiose plans, but the forgotten man is the one who has to pay for it all)Facts and fallacies of Compulsory Health Insurance by Frederick Ludwig Hoffman 1920More Facts and Fallacies of Compulsory health insurance by Frederick Ludwig Hoffman 1920Equality a Socialist-radical Fallacy by Henry Strickland Constable 1897The Distribution of Wealth by John R Commons 1893Our Irrational Distribution of Wealth by BC Matthews 1908Individualism, a system of Politics by W Donisthorpe 1889Dangers of Socialism, article in the Gateway 1918Outlines of Economics by Richard Theodore Ely 1893The Gold Standard by Gold standard defence association 1898The Gold Standard: its causes, its effects, and its future by Wilhelm von Kardorff-Wabnitz 1880Economic Moralism - an essay in Constructive Economics by James Haldane Smith 1917 (The Errors and Dangers of Socialism)Facts and figures, the basis of economic science by E Atkinson 1904The Case against Protection by E Cooke 1909Historic failures in applied Socialism By Daniel Joseph Ryan 1920The Menace of Socialism by WL Wilson 1909The "Scientific" Tariff - an Examination and Exposure by the Cobden Club 1909Free Trade Tracts - a Series of Essays by the Cobden Club 1882The Effect of Tariffs on Unemployment by the Cobden Club 1910Fair trade unmasked by the Cobden Club 1887Free trade versus Fair trade by Thomas Farrer 1904The Fundamental Fallacy of Socialism by Arthur Preuss 1908Fallacies of Socialism Exposed by Samuel Smith 1885Three Socialist Fallacies, article in The Month 1898 (Catholic Magazine)The Economics of Socialism, article in The Accountant 1908 ("It is the creed of Socialism that all wealth is produced by labour and that consequently to labour all wealth belongs. Many of those who profess this creed have some other ingenious tenets, but one illustration of the hare-brained fallacies of this blatant policy will suffice. Mr. Blatchford, the editor of the Clarion, says: "Just as no man can have a "right to land because no man makes the land, so no man "has a right to his self because he did not make that self."")The Red Conspiracy by Joseph Mereto 1920Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States by William Graham Sumner 1877A List of Books for the Study of the Social Question (Catholic central union of America Central bureau) 1915Jean Jacques Rousseau, a new criticism, Volume 1, by Frederika Richardson Macdonald 1906Jean Jacques Rousseau, a new criticism, Volume 2, by Frederika Richardson Macdonald 1906Four Phases of Morals - Socrates, Aristotle, Christianity, Utilitarianism by John Stuart Blackie 1874Progressivism and After by William English Walling 1914Recent Literature on Interest by Eugen von Bohm Bawerk 1903 (early Austrian Economist)Value and Distribution - an historical, critical, and constructive study in Economic Theory by CW Macfarlane 1900An Exposition of Socialism and Collectivism 1902Collectivism a study of some of the leading social questions of the day by Paul Leroy-Beaulieu 1908Collectivism and industrial evolution by E Vandervelde 1907Government or Human evolution, Volume 1 by E Kelly 1900Government or Human evolution, Volume 2 by E Kelly 1900Guild socialism by Niles Carpenter 1922Socialism and Collectivism 1902The Collectivist State in the Making by Emil Davies 1914The conflict between individualism and collectivism in a democracy by Charles Eliot 1910Plus you get: Sixty Books that Ayn Rand read, with a few she might have, books mostly scanned from the originals into pdf format. Contents of CDROM, these books are here because she has mentioned them in her writings:Aristotle Works Volume 8 1910 (When doesn't she mention Aristotle, her favorite philosopher?) Aristotle Works Volume 9 1910Aristotle Works Volume 10 1910On the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music by Hermann Helmholtz 1875Architecture and democracy by Claude Bragdon 1918The Man Versus the State by Herbert Spencer 1902The School and Society, being Three Lectures, supplemented by a statement of the University Elementary School by John Dewey 1907Thinking as a Science by Henry Hazlitt 1916The Egoist, A Comedy in Narrative by George Meredith 1897History of Ancient Philosophy by Wilhelm Windelband 1910Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason Volume 1(She read Kant, but she certainly didn't like him)Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason Volume 2Kant's Critique of Practical Reason and Other Works on the Theory of Ethics 1898 System of Positive Polity by August Comte 1875 (she despised Mr. Altruism even more)Ninety-three by Victor Hugo 1874The Metaphysics of Ethics by Kant 1898The Idiot by Fyodor DostoyevskyThe Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor DostoyevskyCrime and Punishment by Fyodor DostoyevskyThe Case for Capitalism by Hartley Withers 1920This is a book I can imagine her reading, I don't know if she ever did. The same goes for the next book:Socialism: The Creed of Despair by George Hugo and James Carey 1909The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander DumasLes Miserables by Victor HugoThe Man Who Laughs by Victor HugoImmanuel Kant, his Life and Doctrine 1902 by Freidrich PaulsenPlato's RepublicThe Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne On liberty by John Stuart Mill 1878 (She didn't like this one either)The Myth of a Guilty Nation by Albert Jay Nock 1922The Tragic Sense of Life in Men and in Peoples 1921Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-glass by Lewis Carroll 1898The Ego and its Own by Max Stirner 1913The Elements of Politics by Henry Sidgwick 1897 Don Quixote by Miguel de CervantesThus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and Noneby Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1896The Case of Wagner: The Twilight of the Idols; Nietsche Contra Wagnerby Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Thomas Common - 1896 - 341 pagesThe Will to Freedom: Or, The Gospel of Nietzsche and the Gospel of Christby John Neville Figgis - 1917 - 310 pagesThe Radical - An Autobiography of John Galt 1832plus Autobiography of John Galt (Volume 1) 1833I am not sure if Rand even knew of this John Galt, but it is interesting to me that there was such a person and had some renown.The Gospel of Superman: The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzscheby Henri Lichtenberger, John McFarland Kennedy - 1912On the Future of Our Educational Institutions: Homer and Classical Philologyby Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, John McFarland Kennedy - Education - 1909 - 160 pages Nietzsche and Other Exponents of Individualismby Paul Carus 1914 - 161 pagesEgoists, a Book of Supermen: Stendahl, Baudelaire, Flaubert, Anatole Franceby James Gibbon Huneker, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Henrik Ibsen- 1909 - 362 pagesPartly republished from various periodicals.The birth of tragedy, or Hellenism and pessimism (1923) NietzscheOn Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense (text format)The Great Instauration by Francis Bacon 1620The Advancement of Learning by Francis Bacon Preparative toward a Natural and Experimental History by Francis BaconThe New Organon by Francis BaconThe New Atlantis by Francis BaconHamlett by Shakespeare (19th Century Publication)Othello by Shakespeare (19th Century Publication)Macbeth by Shakespeare (19th Century Publication)The Works of Shakespeare (Julius Caeser) (19th Century Publication)GULLIVER'S TRAVELS by Johnathan Swift Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 1886Frankenstein by Mary ShelleyAltruism, Its nature and varieties 1919 by George Palmer(I don't know is she read this, but it would have been something she might have liked to.)The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar WildeThe War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells 1898 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas by Jules VerneAnna Karenina by Leo TolstoyWar and Peace by Leo TolstoyThe Constitution of the USA and the Decaration of Independence in German, French and English in Parallel Columns 1888Plus you get: Communism in America by Henry Ammon James 1879Capitalism and Communism by Rev. John Learned 1887The Socialist Review 1905Socialism and Communism in Their Practical Application by Moritz Kaufmann 1883[Features "Communism and Early Christianity"]Communism and Socialism in Their History and Theory by Theodore Dwight Woolsey 1880The Jews and Modern Capitalism by Werner Sombart 1913Debate Between Tom Mann and Arthur M. Lewis at the Garrick Theatre, Chicago - That Economic Organization is Sufficient and Political Action Unnecessary to the Emancipation of the Working Class (1914)The Case for Capitalism by Hartley Withers 1920Socialism, the Creed of Despair" Joint Debate 1909The Collapse of Capitalism by Herman Cahn 1918Capital and Interest: A Critical History of Economical Theory by Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk 1922Socialism, Utopian and Scientific by Friedrich Engels - 1907Socialism: An Examination of Its Nature, Its Strength and Its Weakness by Richard Theodore Ely 1894Socialism: Promise Or Menace? by Morris Hillquit, John Augustine Ryan 1914The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism by Max Weber An exposure of socialism, three addresses on socialism and a Debate on socialism between Mr. Max Hirsch and Mr. H. Scott Bennett (1904)State Socialism: is it just and reasonable? 1893 DebateCurrent economic problems; a series of readings in the control of industrial development (1915) by Walton Hale HamiltonThe Evolution Of Modern Capitalism by John Hobson 1906Socialism: Critical and Constructive by James Ramsay MacDonald 1921Socialism and Christianity by Percy Stickney Grant 1910Articles on banking and currency from "The Economist" newspaper by Thomas Joplin 1838In nineteenth century Britain, laissez-faire capitalism found a small but strong following by such Manchester Liberals as Richard Cobden and Richard Wright. In 1867, this resulted in a free trade treaty being signed between Britain and France, after which several of these treaties were signed among other European countries. The newspaper The Economist was founded, partly in opposition to the Corn Laws, in 1843, and free trade was discussed in such places as The Cobden Club, founded a year after the death of Richard Cobden, in 1866.Cobden's work and opinions by Reginal Welby 1904Reminiscences of Richard Cobden by Julie Salis 1895Why No Good Catholic Can Become a Socialist by Kenelm Digby Best 1909The Real Wealth of Nations by John S. Hecht 1921 Americanized Socialism: A Yankee View of Capitalism by James MacKaye 1918The Economics of Communism: With Special Reference to Russia's Experiment by Leo Pasvolsky 1920Select Chapters and Passages from the Wealth of Nations of Adam Smith, 1776 by Adam Smith - 1894The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith Seligman/Nearing Debate - Capitalism has more to Offer the workers of the USA than has Socialism The Evolution of Man by Wilhelm BoelscheFeatured in an ad in the Socialist Review 1907, with this caption: "Modern Socialism is closely allied to the modern scientific theory of evolution, and it is impossible to understand it without knowledge of the theory. Now evolution is accepted as a working basis in every university in Europe and America, and no one with a scientific basis wastes time in questioning it. Nevertheless, there has been until now been no popular explanation of the evolution of man in simple form at a low price. There is very good reason for this. If laborers understand science, they become socialists, and the capitalists who control most publishing houses naturally do not want them to understand it." Principles of political economy and taxation by David Ricardo 1919Between eras from Capitalism to Democracy 1913 by Albion Small The Laborer and the Capitalist by Freeman Otis Willey 1897 Catechism of Karl Marx's "Capital" by Lewis Cass Fry 1905Principles of Economics by Alfred Marshall 1890History of Economic Thought by Lewis Henry Haney 1920Political Ideals by Bertrand Russell 1917The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith 1759 (searchable text)Capitalism and Communism by John Calvin Learned 1887Liberalism by L.T. Hobhouse 1919Anglican Liberalism by I. H. Handley 1908Liberalism and the Social Problem by Winston Churchill (searchable PDF)ESSAYS IN LIBERALISM - Being the Lectures and Papers which were delivered at the Liberal Summer School at Oxford, 1922 (searchable PDF)Clement of Alexandria - A Study in Christian Liberalism Volume 1 by R.B. Tollinton B.D. Clement of Alexandria - A Study in Christian Liberalism Volume 2 by R.B. Tollinton B.D.The Crisis of Liberalism: new issues of democracy by J. A. HobsonLiberalism, modernism and tradition, Bishop Paddock lectures 1922Liberal Christianity: its origin, nature and mission (1903) by Jean RévilleThe God of the Liberal Christian by Daniel RobinsonModernism in religion by James Sterett 1922Conversations on Liberalism and the Church by Augustus Brownson Orestes 1904Some Modern ISM's by Thos. Cary Johnson 1919... Happy Shopping! ...